Pakistan Traditional Game "Gully Danda"

Gully Danda:
Gully danda is a play game by children mostly in rural areas and small towns. It is a traditional    game of Pakistan. Many other countries of subcontinent played this game such as India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Italy and Cambodia. It game origin in India from Maurya dynasty Gully Danda mostly play in Punjab rural areas of Pakistan. It is a similar to cricket game. Gully danda played all ages people. This traditional game for play compulsory hand eye coordination catches ability and strong body.

Different names of Gully Danda:

Gully danda is a Punjabi name of this game.Tipcat in English, Dandi-Biyo in Nepali, Alak-   Doulak in Persian, Danguli in Bengali, and Viti-Danda in Marathi.
 Things or sources:
Gully danda play with two wooden pieces. These pieces are called “Gully” and “Danda”. Both of pieces made with wooden. Gully is a small wooden piece which is 3 to 4 inches long round in the middle and sharp at both ends. Long wooden piece is called danda which is 2 to 3 feet long and one inch in diameter. Both pieces can be made with the help of carpenter. Gully danda is played in street or open space and not necessary to special ground. The equipment is not expensive.
 How to play and rules of game:
In this game players are divided into two teams and not required number of player. Each team                       is selected one captain. Then both captain coin a toss. Which team wins the toss can be selected fielding or batting. Toss losing team spread in the ground for fielding and toss wining team ready for batting. Draw a circle with the hole on the ground where batsman will be bat. Player should be balance the gully on circle. The first player from batting team uses the danda for bat. Striker use the danda hit to gully and gully up into the air. If fielders catch the gully before touch the ground then batsman should be out. So that batsman hardly a quickly hit the gully. Any fielder not able to catch then the danda is use measure the distance from centre circle to where gully fell. Each danda length adds one point to batting team. The length of danda is equal to one run. Another rule of gain the run from batting side.When striker hit the gully and fielder not it catches before the touch to grounds that the fielder pickup the gully and one chance to hit the danda with a throw. If fielder successful hit to danda striker should be out and not successful then striker again strike and gain one point. Three chances for batsman to strike the gully. If player missing the three chances then should be out. The next player comes to for strike. At the which team leads the point this team win the game.[1]

[1]  Craig Steve, Sport and games of the Ancient (West port United States, Greenwood group, 1ST JAN 2002)

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