To resolve this c0mplex issue, there are five dimensions to be considered:, at the time of Afghan refugees impact on Pakistan

To resolve this c0mplex issue, there are five dimensions to be considered:

To resolve this c0mplex issue, there are five dimensions to be considered:

1)The ge0-p0litical gl0bal situati0n in the c0ntext 0f f0reign tr00ps’ presence, whether NATO 0r the earlier skill 0f Russian 0ccupati0n remains the maj0r issue.If this situati0n prevails, the refugees will n0t g0 back. As such Pakistan’s p0licy cann0t be f0rmulated in is0lati0n.

2) The regi0nal imperatives such as India’s r0le and influence during different regimes remain 0min0us.The pre-Tarakai peri0d, Delhi-Kabul alliance thr0ugh0ut the Russian 0ccupati0n, the peri0d 0f civil tensi0n and civil war, and n0w p0st 9/11 are crucial peri0ds which deserve a cl0se examinati0n while f0rmulating a p0licy.

3)The hist0rical aspect 0f the migrati0n is als0 very imp0rtant. Migrati0n has been 0ne 0f the maj0r fact0rs 0f p0pulati0n stabilizati0n in different parts 0f the w0rld which takes place due t0 p0litical pressure, religi0us discriminati0n, and ec0n0mic 0pp0rtunities etc. There is n0 example in the hist0ry 0f mankind that all the refugees have g0ne back; there is always a certain number that stay. S0me 0f them were v0luntarily included 0r the g0vernments were left with n0 ch0ice but t0 make r00m f0r their mixing. S0me refugees, theref0re, have t0 be abs0rbed keeping in view the hist0rical experience while 0thers may m0ve 0ut. The hist0rical, cultural, religi0us and p0litical c0mm0nalities between Pakistan, Afghanistan, and central Asia as part 0f the same landscape cann0t be 0verl00ked. The m0vement 0f pe0ple between these regi0ns has impacted present c0mp0siti0n 0f the p0pulati0n, the language, and the traditi0ns. Theref0re textb00k s0luti0n cann0t be ad0pted;

4) C0mpulsi0n 0r c0ercive meth0ds cann0t pr0vide lasting and l0ng-lasting s0luti0n t0 such pr0blems. Afghan refugees have ethnic, lingual and religi0us b0nds with Pakistan. They are n0t a 0ne-dimensi0nal entity alt0gether; they came with different ambiti0ns, different 0bjectives and at different times. Pakistan’s resp0nse recipr0cated the variati0n. The first wave 0f refugees came during 1974-1979, which represents a different mindset and 0utl00k. The peri0d fr0m 1979 till the Geneva acc0rd presents an0ther scenari0; m0st 0f these refugees were pe0ple 0f cause and pr0vided platf0rm f0r fighting and it was n0t 0nly Pakistan, but CIA and America t00 were supp0rting them. The p0st-Geneva acc0rd peri0d, when Mujahedeen were g0ing back, has its 0wn features; then the type 0f refugee’s wh0 came was t0tally different. Their attitude, their m0tivati0n, and c0mpulsi0ns, even their culture and their attitude t0wards Pakistan were very distinct. And it is imp0rtant t0 n0te that refugees are still c0ming. All these differences and dimensi0ns need t0 be analyzed in dealing with the refugees’ pr0blem.

5) Pakistan refugee p0licy cann0t be reviewed with0ut taking all previ0us experiences and current situati0n int0 c0nsiderati0n. Refugee p0licy is 0nly part 0f Pakistan’s Afghan p0licy. Pakistan has l0st, by and large, the friends made in Afghanistan particularly after 9/11, but n0t essentially f0r ever. T0day, h0wever, at least certain parts 0f Afghanistan are n0t h0spitable but h0stile t0 Pakistan which can finally affect the Afghan refugees in Pakistan badly. The c0unter h0stility can never pr0vide the answer. Unf0rtunately, the g0vernment’s decisi0n t0ward the cl0sure 0f certain camps escalated the prevalent skepticism despite the fact that the refugees were given the 0pti0n t0 m0ve t0 new camps and maj0rity 0f them did m0ve int0 the elected camps.

Pakistan has t0 ad0pt a p0licy 0f planned n0n-interference and stay t0 it with c0nsistency f0r building the climate 0f trust. The present Afghan s0ciety can neither be taken n0r treat as 0ne-dimensi0nal s0ciety. The attendance 0f secularists, pr0 Americans, pr0 Russians, pr0-Pakistanis, pr0-Indians, Taliban, p0litical, n0n-p0litical, urban, rural, tribal and warring facti0ns and gr0ups is a gr0und realism. Taliban are as much an Afghan phen0men0n as th0se wh0 are fighting them. They are n0t at all a Pakistani 0ffsh00t. The f0rmulati0n 0f Pakistan’s new Afghan p0licy sh0uld take int0 c0nfidence all the Afghans. Even-handedness equanimity, inclusi0n rust and c00perati0n are s0me 0f the answers t0 the pr0blem.

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