Traditional Game of Pakistan "Seven Stone 'Pitho Garam'"

Seven stones (Pitho Garam):
Seven Stones is a customary Indian sport, show of a particular place in the Indian Culture, increase over a large region still today. It is too called as Lagori saat-pathar pittu and some other names, is the mostly difficult well-liked children game in India, and is pretty like cut ball, but further hostile.
This sport is also identified by further names like:
1)      Dikori
2)      Lagoori
3)       Lingocha                (Hyderabad)
4)      Lingorchya              (Maharashtra)
5)      Pitthu                       (Haryana)
6)       Satoliya                    (Rajasthan)
7)      Satodiya                    (Gujarat)
8)      Yedu Penkulata         (Andra Pradesh)
9)        Dabba Kali               (Kerala)

10)        Ezhu Kallu              (Tamil Nadu)

Equipment necessary to Play:
1      Tennis ball or rubber ball
2      seven stones
3      Two teams 2 or 3 players in both teams.


1     To begin the game 2 team with one and the same number of players is necessary.
2     To make a decision that shall get the aggressive responsibility first a coin is toss.
3    7 stones or every of the substitute should be on top of all other as a mass within a loop. The   defensive team will get their positions for the field purpose. The point of fielding squad will be     wicket keeper who will be position at the back the stones and others in the order of the stones at   random as fielders position in cricket. All the players belong to the aggressive team will be captivating their position at the back the fold line in a proper distance left from the mound of stones.
4     The aggressive team will be receiving three chances to smack the mound of stones with the ball in also of the ways underarm or over arm, to beat the mound of stones.
5     The aggressive team has to beat the mound of stones in three smacks.
 A   challenger player catches the ball in one lean and stones are not destructed after that the player will be out and the then player will come.
B     If the challenger player cannot hold the ball and stones are too not destructed, after that he will get one more chance up to three. Following three chances he will out and the after that player will hit.
C     If the challenger player holds the ball and also stones are destructed, then player will obtain a chance from ONE.
D    The challenger player cannot hold the ball and the stones are destructed, then the true game begins.
6     If they not succeed, after that the defensive and aggressive team exchange places and carries on playing, with one point to the defensive team in the casing of worst aim skill of the aggressive team.
7     As shortly as the ball knock off the mound of stones the protector team will obtain grip of the ball and attempt their best to obtain the challenger team members OUT by beating them through the ball in their leg under the knees.
8     The mean of the aggressive team is to reorganize the mound of stones and mark out the loop three times through their fingers before the further team can make all the players OUT.
9      If they do well doing that their team get a point and they obtain a chance to throw ball once more. But if all the players are OUT then the defensive team will obtain a chance to beat the ball and will increase a point.
10   Fielding squad cannot run whereas having ball in the hand over them can overtake the ball to their teammates.
11   If bat team is capable to organize stones back they will get one point and their all players who are out will live once more.
12   If field team is capable to beat the ball to any single of batting team member after that entire batting team will be out and fielding team will perform batting.
13 Who team which scores 7 points first will be champion.

These other rules make the game still extra interesting:
v  Obviously mark the border. If a few of the seekers cross it after that he is out.
v  But someone trying to beat down the mound cannot do it in three try after that he is out.
v  In at all of the three tries if the thrower ball do not beat down the mound and is caught by an challenger after the first jump after that the thrower is out.
v  If the seekers be successful in restore the mound after that they can use the point score to                       obtain back their oust team friend.
v   throw the ball
v   escaping the ball
v   structure the mound of stones
v   disturbing the opposed team from structure the pile[1]

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