4- Illegal V0te 0f Afghans used t0 pr0tect Afghan criminal Mafia:
4- Illegal V0te 0f Afghans used t0 pr0tect Afghan criminal Mafia:
criminal mafia is 0rganized
t0 deal v0te p0wer
in Afghan p0pulati0n t0wns. Afghan criminal
mafia always used Afghan v0te f0r Pr0
G0vernment P0litical Party. F0r
the pr0tecti0n 0f their
crimes, Why Afghans 0bey the 0rder 0f
Afghan criminal mafia f0r
casting their v0tes,
refugees always get m0ney
0n interest fr0m the Afghan criminals mafia, and
Afghan criminal
mafia als0
helped them Against P0lice
Acti0n when they inv0lved in illegal activities. Afghan
criminal mafia als0
pr0vide equipped with fire Arm y0uths gr0ups t0
p0liticians f0r their electi0n
campaign. And Afghan mafia spend m0ney
t00, f0r the help 0f
p0liticians electi0n campaigned
this is a reas0n P0liticians pr0tect
Afghan mafias crime.Electi0n
C0mmissi0n 0f Pakistan never
take acti0n against illegal v0te 0f Afghans[1].
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