The Pashtunistan
The Pashtunistan
Afghan Refugees as a planned Liability f0r Pakistan During the 1980 refugee camps in
Pakistan pr0vided imp0rtant
supp0rt f0r the kick next t0 the f0rces 0f the S0viet Uni0n and the
S0viet-backed rule in Afghanistan. By supp0rting extreme religi0us gr0ups such as the Haze
Islamic 0f Gulbadan Hekmatyar and the Taliban Pakistan s0ught t0 weaken the p0siti0n 0f Pashtu
“nati0nalist” gr0ups within the Afghan surrender. The rati0nale is linked, alth0ugh n0t
Pakistani auth0rities d0 n0t fear the increase 0f the Pashtu’s in Pakistan’s settled areas
but the rec0very 0f the Pashtunistan issue in a different f0rm sh0uld the Taliban be denied the
vict0ry they
supp0se in Afghanistan. They c0uld then l00k f0r an ch0ice by capitalizing 0n final
with Taliban 0rganizati0ns already at war with the g0vernment
in Pakistan, even if the Pakistani
c0nveniently av0id menti0ning that they had created and supp0rted the very Pakistani
Pashtun 0rganizati0ns
which the Afghan Pashtu’s may be tempt t0 j0in. Pakistan’s message
c0nveyed by the use and manipulati0n 0f
refugees in its current f0rm is equal t0 Pakistan’s
previ0us 0ne: refugees sh0uld l00k f0r their future, p0litical and 0therwise, in Afghanistan, n0t in
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