

First general election was held in Pakistan on 7 December 1970. First time in the history of Pakistan general election was held in Pakistan. In the early in 1959 announced the general election by President Iskander Mirza. Because he was political instability in Pakistan. But Ayub khan imposed the martial law on 7th October 1958. He was abrogating the constitution of 1956. The political history of Pakistan from 1947 to 1969 witnessed no general election was held. When Chief Martial Law Administrator General Yahya Khan become the president in 1969 than first of all he was announced the general election in Pakistan.
Justice Abdus Sattar was appointed first chief election commissioner of Pakistan including three members who work under the Justice Abdus Sattar. First of all election commission enroll the voters who were 21 years old all citizens of Pakistan. After enroll the votes election commission was published final list of voters on 17 March. According to election commission total registered voters from country were 56,941,500. From the east wing were 31,211,220 registered voters and from west wing were 25,730,280 registered voters out of total votes. Returning officers for national assembly were appointed 199 and 285 for provincial assemblies.

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